Page:The Saint (1906, G. P. Putnam's Sons).djvu/6

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Trilogy of Rome

Antonio Fogazzaro
"The Greatest of Italian Novelists"

(Authorized American Editions)

1. The Patriot
(Piccolo Mondo Antico)
2. The Sinner
(Piccolo Mondo Moderno)
3. The Saint
(Il Santo)

THE first of these romances is an impassioned story of lovers struggling to break the barriers of aristocratic prejudice that oppose their marriage. It is also a story of patriotism of the freeing of Italy from the Austrian yoke.

In The Sinner, the second book of this Trilogy, we read the dramatic story of Piero Maironi, the son of the hero of The Patriot, and of his love for the beautiful Jeanne Dessalle,—a story that presents a vivid picture of the Italian world of rank and fashion, and involves, too, a study of political and ecclesiastical life.

In The Saint, the concluding novel in the series, the hero of The Sinner and the lover of Jeanne Dessalle appears as a penitent full of religious zeal that finds a double outlet—in asceticism and works of mercy and in an attempt to reform the Church of Rome from within.


New York