Page:The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter (1922), vol. 1.djvu/177

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have fallen flat if you blew your breath at them. I’ve seen better thugs sent against wild beasts! And the cavalry he killed looked about as much like the real thing as the horsemen on the lamps; you would have taken them for dunghill cocks! One plug had about as much action as a jackass with a pack-saddle; another was club-footed; and a third who had to take the place of one that was killed, was as good as dead, and hamstrung into the bargain. There was only one that had any pep, and he was a Thracian, but he only fought when we egged him on. The whole crowd was flogged afterwards. How the mob did yell ‘Lay it on!’ They were nothing but runaways. And at that he had the nerve to say, ‘I’ve given you a show.’ ‘And I’ve applauded’, I answered; ‘count it up and you’ll find that I gave more than I got! One hand washes the other.’

CHAPTER THE FORTY-SIXTH. “Agamemnon, your looks seem to say, ‘What’s this