Page:The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter (1922), vol. 1.djvu/235

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circumcised. And that’s the reason he never can keep his mouth shut and always has an eye open. I paid three hundred dinars for him.”

CHAPTER THE SIXTY-NINTH. “Yes,” Scintilla broke in, “and you’ve not mentioned all of his accomplishments either; he’s a pimp too, and I’m going to see that he’s branded,” she snapped. Trimalchio laughed. ‘“There’s where the Cappadocian comes out,” he said: “never cheats himself out of anything and I admire him for it, so help me Hercules, I do. No one can show a dead man a good time. Don’t be jealous, Scintilla; we’re next to you women, too, believe me. As sure as you see me here safe and sound, I used to play at thrust and parry with Mammeza, my mistress, and finally even my master got suspicious and sent me back to a stewardship; but keep quiet, tongue, and I’ll give you a cake.” Taking all this as praise, the wretched slave pulled a small earthen lamp from a fold