Page:The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter (1922), vol. 2.djvu/219

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Calonice: “And is it thick, too?” Lysistrata: “Indeed it is, great and big too.” Calonice: ‘‘And we are not all on the spot!” Lysistrata: “Oh! If it were what you have in mind, there would never be an absentee. No, no, it concerns a thing I have turned about and about, this way and that, for many sleepless nights.” When the plot has been explained, viz.: that the women refuse intercourse to their husbands until after peace has been declared—Calonice: “But suppose our poor devils of husbands go away and leave us!” Lysistrata: “Then, as Pherecrates says, ‘we must flay a skinned dog,’ that’s all.”

Lucian, Amoures, says: “but, if it is becoming for men to have intercourse with men, for the future let women have intercourse with women. Come, O new generation, inventor of strange pleasures! as you have devised new methods to satisfy male lust, grant the same privilege to women; let them have intercourse with one another like men, girding themselves with the infamous instruments of lust, an unholy imitation of a fruitless union.”

Herondas, Mime vi:

Koritto Two women friends.

A Female Domestic.

Time, about 300 B. C.