Page:The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter (1922), vol. 2.djvu/97

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Such is the power of my word! By the rites of a virgin
Quenched is the raging of bulls; and the sun’s daughter Circe
Changed and transfigured the crew of the wily Ulysses.
Proteus changes his form when his good pleasure dictates,
I, who am skilled in these arts, can the shrubs of Mount Ida
Plant in the ocean; turn rivers to flow up the mountains!

CHAPTER THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIFTH. At this declaration, which was so awe-inspiring, I shuddered in terror, and commenced to scrutinize the crone more narrowly. “Come now,” said Œnothea, “obey my orders,” and, carefully wiping her hands, she bent over the cot and kissed me, once, twice! On the middle of the altar Œnothea placed an old table, upon which she heaped live coals, then with melted pitch she repaired a goblet which had become cracked through age. Next she replaced, in the smoke-stained