Page:The Saxon Cathedral at Canterbury and The Saxon Saints Buried Therein.djvu/148

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Offa, King, 11, 30
Olaf, King of Norway, 83
Osbern, the Historian, 99, 100


Patrick, St., xii, 9
Pedrick, G., Monastic Seals of the Thirteenth Century, 11
Peg-tankards, 67
Peronne, Church of, 19
Peter's at Rome, St., 17, 18, 19, 29
Picts and Scots, xii
Pilgrim Way, 2
Plegmund, Archbishop, 30, 36, 46-9
—— consecrates seven bishops in one day, 47, 48
Polyandrium, 18, 20, 103
Porch towers, 22
Pothinus, Bishop of Lyons, 10
Preface, vii
Presbytery, 20
Priory of Christ Church Canterbury, 4


Ramsgate (Ruimsgate), 3
Reculver, 1, 3, 54, 74
Reformation, The, vii
Relics, 36, 37, 38, 39, 57, 71, 72, 92, 101, 102, 103
Remigius St., Bishop of Dorchester, 96
Richborough, 1
Ripon, Crypt at, 18
Robert of Jumièges, Archbishop, 96
Robinson, Very Rev. Dean, 6


St Austin's Abbey, 5, 8, 20, 25, 26, 28, 44, 103
St. Denis, Abbey of, 11
St. Martin of Tours, xii
St. Paul's Cathedral, 90, 91
Sandwich, The Haven granted by Canute, 94
Sarre, 3
Saxons, xii, 9, 16
Saxon School at Rome, 46
Saxon Thanet Saints, Notes on, 74
Seledritha, Abbess, 76
Sergius II, Pope, 47
Sigeburga or Siburgis, Abbess, 44, 72, 75, 76, 77
Sigeric, Archbishop, 31
Silchester, xii, 6, 9, 12, 13
Siward, Abbot of Abingdon, 95
—— Bishop of Rochester, 96
Sprott, Chronicle of Thomas, 6
Stigand, Archbishop, 96, 97
Stone Church, xii
Stone, John, Monk of Christ Church, 5, 49
—— Richard, 77
Stubbs, Bishop, Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents, 6, 8
Sturry, 1, 3
Swithin, Head of, St., 92, 101


Theodore, Archbishop, 25, 40, 55
Theodulph of Orleans, St., 2
Thomas of Canterbury, St., 59, 72
—— of Elmham, 5
Thorne, Abbot Nicholas, 27
—— William, 26
Thorne's Chronicle, 27
Thrum the Dane, 88
Thurkill, 85
Tonford, 1


Wantsume, 1, 3
Warren, F. E., Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church, 10
Watchester, 3