Page:The Sceptical Chymist.djvu/47

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is very different from the whimseys of Chymists and other Modern Innovators, of whose Hypotheses we may observe, as Naturalists do of less perfect Animals, that as they are hastily form’d, so they are commonly short liv’d. For so these, as they are often fram’d in one week, are perhaps thought fit to be laughed at the next; and being built perchance but upon two or three Experiments are destroyed by a third or fourth, whereas the doctrine of the four Elements was fram’d by Aristotle after he had leasurely considered those Theories of former Philosophers, which are now with great applause revived, as discovered by these latter ages; And had so judiciously detected and supplyed the Errors and defects of former Hypotheses concerning the Elements, that his Doctrine of them has been ever since deservedly embraced by the letter’d part of Mankind: All the Philosophers, that preceded him having in their several ages contributed to the compleatness of this Doctrine, as those of succeeding times have acquiesc’d in it. Nor has an Hypothesis so deliberately and maturely established been called in Questi-