Page:The Science of Advertising (1910).djvu/45

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The Science of Advertising

Advertising Action the Same—No Matter What the Product or Prospect.

Now let us go back to ourselves. Neither of us, perhaps, owns an automobile. First we saw a few people with automobiles. We had seen them before with many other things we did not possess. Finer houses, perhaps, or boats or fine horses. We were pretty well accustomed and resigned to seeing a few people have more and better things than we. We saw the automobile and classed it along with the other things which we would have in the hopeful "some day."

We passed the windows where automobiles were for sale; but we were pretty well accustomed to passing windows full of things which we could comfortably put off coveting. We went busily by and in a moment forgot all about the windows.

By evening, when at home, we laid plans for the immediate personal things; we had pretty well forgotten the motors which passed us and those shown in the windows we had passed. But then we picked up our magazine and were held by the series of pages all devoted to automobiles with illustrations, particulars and prices.

"Hello! Here's one for $900." Perhaps, we have almost that much to spare; and in the chair there at home, with nothing to do but pick out a story in that magazine, and with no business to think about, it won't do any harm or attract any