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The Contemporary Science Series. I. THE EVOLUTION OF SEX. By Professo* PATRICK GEDDES and J. ARTHUR THOMSON. With 90 Illustrations. Second Edition. " The authors have brought to the task as indeed their names guarantee a wealth of knowledge, a luoid and attractive method of treatment, and a rich vein of picturesque language." Nature. IL ELECTRICITY IN MODERN LIFE. By G. W. DB TCNZELMANW. With S3 Illustrations. " A clearly-written and connected sketch of what is known about electricity and magnetism, the more prominent modern applications, and the principles on which they are based." Saturday Review. III. THE ORIGIN OF THE ARYANS. By Dr. ISAAC TAYLOR. Illus- trated. Second Edition. " Canon Taylor is probably the most encyclopaedic all-round scholar now living. His new volume on the Origin of the Aryans is a first-rate example of the excellent account to which he can turn his exceptionally wide and varied information. . . . Masterly and exhaustive." Pall Mall Gazette. IV. PHYSIOGNOMY AND EXPRESSION. By P. MANTEOAZZA. Illustrated. "Professor Mantegazza is a writer full of life and spirit, and the natural attractiveness of his subject is not destroyed by his scientific handling of it." Literary World (Boston). V. EVOLUTION AND DISEASE. By J. B. SCTTON, FR.C.S. With 135 Illustrations. "The book is as interesting as a novel, without sacrifice of accuracy or system, and is calculated to give an appreciation of the fundamentals of pathology to the lay reader, while forming a useful collection of illustrations of disease for medical reference." Journal of Mental Science. VI. THE VILLAGE COMMUNITY. By G. L. GOMME. Illustrated. " The fruit of some years of investigation on a subject which has of late attracted much attention, and is of much importance, inasmuch as it lies at the basis of our society." Antiquary. VIL THE CRIMINAL. By HAVELOCK ELLIS. Illustrated. "An ably written, an instructive, and a most entertaining book." Law Quarterly Review. VIII. SANITY AND INSANITY. By Dr. CHARLES MERCIER. Illus- trated. " Taken as a whole, it is the brightest book on the physical side of mental science published in our time." Pall Mall Gazette. IX. HYPNOTISM. By Dr. ALBERT MOLL. Second Edition. " Marks a step of some importance in the study of some difficult physio, logical and psychological problems which have not yet received much atten- tion in the scientific world of England." Nature. X. MANUAL TRAINING. By Dr. C. M. WOODWARD, Director of the Manual Training School, St. Louis. Illustrated. " There is no greater authority on the subject than Professor Woodward." Manchester Guardian. XI. THE SCIENCE OF FAIRY TALES. By E. SIDNEY HARTLAND. " Mr. Hartland's book will win the sympathy of all earnest students, both by the knowledge it displays, and by a thorough love and appreciation of his subject, which is evident throughout." Spectator. XII. PRIMITIVE FOLK. By ELIE RECLUS. " For an introduction to the study of the questions of property, marriage, government, religion, in a word, to the evolution of society, this little volume will be found most convenient." Scottish Leader.