Page:The Science of Religion (1925).djvu/104

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greatly vitalized, and with the consequent increase in their working power life is prolonged. As we do not fear to go to sleep, lest for the time being the outer organs remain inert, so we ought not fear to practise death, i.e., give rest to the internal organs. Death will then be under our control; for when we think this bodily house is unfit and broken, we shall be able to leave it of our own accord. “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” (1 Cor. 15, 26.)

We may describe the process thus: If the main telephone office in a town is permanently connected by wires with different parts of the town, men telephoning from those parts can always, even against the will of the authorities of the main telephone office, send messages to the central office through the medium of the electric current running along the connecting wires. If the main telephone office wishes to stop communication with the different parts, it can turn off the main electri-