Page:The Science of Religion (1925).djvu/106

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switch (i.e., practise the fourth method), in order to enjoy relief.

Attention is the great director and discharger of energy. It is the active cause of the discharge of the electrical life current from the brain to the sensory and motor nerves. For example, we drive away a troublesome fly by discharging, through the power of attention, the proper electrical current along the motor nerves, thereby producing the desired movements. I cite this to give an idea of the power by which the electrical flow of the system can be controlled and drawn back to its seven centres. It is of these seven star-like centres and their mystery that we find mention even in the chapter on revelation in the Bible. St. John experienced these seven centres as seven stars while he was in the spirit. “The mystery of the seven stars, which thou sawest, write them in a book.’’—Revelation 1: 19, 20. It should be noted that when I say the electrical flow of the body is controlled, I mean all