Page:The Science of Religion (1925).djvu/115

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into the epistemological question: How and how far can we know the Ideal, the Truth? To show how we know the ideal we must consider how we know the actual world. We must deal with the process of knowing the world. Then we shall see whether the process of knowing the world is the same as the process of knowing the Ideal, and whether the actual world is separate from the Ideal or whether the latter pervades the former, only the process of knowing the two being different. Before proceeding further let us discuss the “instruments” of knowledge—the way by which knowledge of the world is made possible to us.

There are three instruments or means of knowledge: Perception, Inference, Intuition.

I. Perception. Our senses are, as it were, windows, through which stimuli from the outside come and strike the mind, which passively receives these impressions. Unless the mind operates, no impression can be made