Page:The Science of Religion (1925).djvu/122

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connected, limited by our powers of perception. The materials disturb rather than help the thought process, which also has a restless continuity.

The first method, as we pointed out, is the intellectual method. It busies itself with the thought process in order to know Reality—state of Bliss and calm realization. But it fails. Bodily perceptions disturb, and the thought process also, due to its working on varied, restless sense-impressions, forbids our remaining for long in a concentrated state, that we may know and feel that calm condition of Bliss and have the consciousness of unity in diversity. One merit of the Intellectual method is that when we are absorbed in the thought-world, to a certain extent we transcend bodily sensations. But this is always temporary.

In the other two methods—Devotional and Meditation—the thought process is less. Still, it is present. In the devotional method,