Page:The Science of Religion (1925).djvu/98

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his own experience. The more one practises it with patience and duration, the more one feels intensely and durably fixed in Bliss. Owing to the persistence of bad habits, the consciousness of bodily existence, with all its memories, revives occasionally and fights against that tranquillity. If any one practises regularly and for extended periods, it can be guaranteed that in time he will find himself in a highly super-mental state of Bliss. We should not, however, overwisely seek to imagine beforehand the possible results to which the process may lead, and then cease practising the method after.a short trial.

In order to make real progress the following things are necessary: First, loving attention to the subject to be learned; second, desire to learn and an earnest spirit of inquiry; third, steadfastness until the desired end is attained. If we go only half-way and then, after a short practice, reject it, the desired result will not follow. If novices in spiritual practices try to