Page:The Seasons - Thomson (1791).djvu/146

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Or on the listed plain, or wintry seas.1465
Mild are thy glories too, as o'er the plans
Of thriving peace thy thoughtful fires preside;
In genius, and substantial learning, high;
For every virtue, every worth, renown'd;
Sincere, plain-hearted, hospitable, kind;1470
Yet like the mustering thunder when provok'd.
The dread of tyrants, and the sole resource
Of those that under grim oppression groan.

Thy Sons of glory many! Alfred thine,
In whom the splendor of heroic war,1475
And more heroic peace, when govern'd well.
Combine; whose hallow'd name the Virtues saint,
And his own Muses love; the best of Kings!
With him thy Edwards and thy Henrys shine,
Names dear to fame; the first who deep impress'd1480
On haughty Gaul the terror of thy arms,
That awes her genius still. In Statesmen thou,
And Patriots fertile. Thine a steady More,
Who, with a generous tho' mistaken zeal,
Withstood a brutal tyrant's useful rage,1485
Like Cato firm, like Aristides just,
Like rigid Cincinnatus nobly poor.
A dauntless soul erect, who smil'd on death.
Frugal, and wise, a Walsingham is thine;
A Drake, who made thee mistress of the deep,1490
And bore thy name in thunder round the world.
Then flam'd thy spirit high: but who can speak
The numerous worthies of the Maiden Reign?
In Raleigh mark their every glory mix'd,
Raleigh, the scourge of Spain! whose breast with all1495
The sage, the patriot, and the hero burn'd.
Nor sunk his vigour, when a coward-reign
The warrior fettered, and at last resign'd,
