Fairmont Springs, 93 miles; Sante's, 106 miles; Wolf Creek, Hanson's. 151 miles; Fort Steele, 160 miles; Cranbrook, 180 miles.
A loop-line for automobiles is made by crossing the bridge at Athalmer to Wilmer, driving to Number 3 Creek, the South Fork of Salmon Arm, Spillimacheen Ferry and Golden, the round journey covering 165 miles. On this excursion, side trips can be made from Wilmer: to Invermere, Paradise Mine, and Mountain Valley Ranch.
Tariff rates for carriage and saddle horses at Livery (A. C. Hamilton)—Carriages, seating two, four or six persons, $1.50. $2.00 and $3.00 per first hour; 50c., $1.00 and $2.00 for every additional hour (without driver for two, with driver for four or six persons). One horse and carriage per day with driver, $6; without $5. Carriages for four persons $8 per day; for six persons $10—in each case with driver.
Excursions by water: for Passenger Steam Klahowya, see the Waterway of the Upper Columbia.
By canoe, rowboat or launch: To Phantom Lake, Cedar Lake and small lakes and channels on either side of the Columbia River; also up the River to the Kootenay. Boats to hire, 15 minutes' walk from town; canoes to rent from J. A. Buckham at $1 a day; launch with engineer from J. Gould for $5 an hour.
Upper Columbia River, Evening