Route: Reached by travelling some 5 miles up Alder Creek to the base of the mountain. There is no known trail up Alder Creek and the route would be arduous owing to thick brush and fallen limber. The views would probably be worth while.
Perley Rock—Name: By W. S. Green after H. A. Perley, the proprietor of Glacier House at the time of Mr. Green's expedition in the Selkirks.
Altitude: 7.873 feet.
Location: A prominent rock rising at the upper eastern edge of the ice-fall of the Illecillewaet Glacier.
First Ascent: By W. S. Green and the Rev. H. Swanzy in 1888. Perley Rock is separated from the mountain side by a tongue of glacier and may be termed a nunatak. There is a fairly level plateau on the top where Messers. Green and Swanzy placed a camp at The time of their first ascent to the Illecillewaet Névé.
Route: Reached from Glacier House by trail to Illecillewaet Glacier and ascent of rocks on the east side of the ice-fall.
Time required: 3 hours. Novices require a guide.
Pollux Peak—Name: By Messrs. Abbott, Fay and Thompson, with reference to Castor and Pollux of heathen mythology.
Altitude: 9.176 feet.
Location: The central and highest peak of Mt. Jove: on the west side of the Asulkan Glacier.
First Ascent: By Messrs. Dixon, Michael, Fay, Noyes and Van Derlip with guide Peter Sarbach.
Route: Reached from Glacier most readily from the Asulkan Pass, from which it is an easy ascent of rock and snow. (For route, time and views, see under Castor and Leda.) A fine view of the symmetrical snow-clad Mt. Purity may be obtained from its summit.
Time required: The summit of Pollux can be reached within the hour by following the arête from either Castor or Leda.
Prairie Hills—Name: Local name with reference to their grass-covered summits.
Altitude: A low range of hills, about 8,000 feet.
Location: They rise along the east side of the Beaver River Valley north of Grizzly Creek. On the Beaver Valley side they have for the most part been swept by fire and are now covered with fallen timber. Eastward they gradually merge into the greater elevation of the Dogtooth Range.
Purity Range—Name: By Topographical Survey, with reference to Mt. Purity.
Altitude: Highest peak. Mt. Wheeler. 11.023 feet.
Location: Extending east from Mt. Purity to Mt. Wheeler and south to Grand Mt. There are five peaks in the Range: Purity, 10.457 feet: an unnamed peak. 10.000 feet: Kilpatrick, 10.624 feet; Wheeler. 11,023 feet: Grand .Mt.. 10.832 feet. It is the most picturesquely arctic range of the Selkirks owing to the wild confusion of crevassed and broken ice-falls that radiate from it in every direction, and the great masses of snow lying along its crests. Twenty-five glaciers, including some of rare interest and beauty, Have their sources along this range. (For routes, times, views, etc., under Mt. Purity. Mt. Kilpatrick, Mt. Wheeler and Grand Mt.).