Such honor haue Poetes alwayes found in the sight of princes and noble men. which this author here very well sheweth, as els where more notably.
But after) he sheweth the cause of contempt of Poetry to be idlenesse and basenesse of mynd.
Pent) shut vp in slouth, as in a coope or cage.
Tom piper) An Ironicall Sacrasmus, spoken in derision of these rude wits, whych make more account of a ryming rybaud, then of skill grounded vpon learning and iudgment.
Ne brest) the meaner sort of men.
Her peeced pineons) vnperfect skil. Spoken wyth humble modestie.
As soote as Swanne) The comparison seemeth to be strange: for the swanne hath euer wonne small commendation for her swete singing: but it is sayd of the learned that the swan a little before hir death, singeth most pleasantly, as prophecying by a secrete instinct her neere destinie As wel sayth the Poete elswhere in one of his sonetts.
As shee that feeles the deepe delight that is in death &c.
Immortall myrrhour) Beauty, which is an excellent obiect of Poeticall spirites, as appeareth by the worthy Petrachs saying.
A la sua ombra, et crescer ne gli affanni.
A caytiue corage) a base and abiect minde.
For lofty loue) I think this playing with the letter to be rather a sault then a figure, aswel in our English tongue, as it hath bene alwayes in the Latine, called Cacozelon.
A vacant) imitateth Mantuanes saying. va cuum curis diuina cerebrum Poscit.
Lauish cups) Resembleth that comen verse Fæcundi calices quem non fecere disertum.
O if my) He seemeth here to be rauished with a Poetical furie. For (if one rightly mark) the numbers rise so ful, & the verse groweth so big, that it seemeth he hath forgot the meanenesse of shepheards state and stile.
Wild yuie) for it is dedicated to Bacchus & therefore it is sayd that the Mænades (that is Bacchus franticke priestes) vsed in theyr sacrifice to carry Thyrsos, which were pointed staues or Iauelins, wrapped about with yuie.
In buskin) it was the manerof Poetes & plaiers in tragedies to were buskins, as also in Comedies to vse stockes & light shoes. So that the buskin in Poetry is vsed for tragical matter, as it said in Virgilc. Sola sophocleo tua carmina digna cothurno. And the like in Horace, Magnum loqui, nitique cothurno.
Queint) strange Bellona; the goddesse of battaile, that is Pallas, which may therefore wel be called queint for that (as Lucian saith) when Iupiter hir father was in traueile of her, he caused his sonne Vulcane with his axe to hew his head. Out of which leaped forth lustely a valiant damsell armed at all poyntes, whom seeing Vulcane so faire & comely, lightly leaping to her, proferred her some cortesie, which the Lady disdeigning, shaked her speare at him, and threatned his saucinesse. Therefore such straungenesse is well applyed to her.
Æquipage.) order.
Tydes) seasons.
Charme) temper and order. for Charmes were wont to be made by verses as Ouid sayth.Aut si carminibus.