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Page:The Shepherd's Week - Gay (1728).djvu/14

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CUDDY. Across the fallen oak the plank I laid, And my self pois'd against the tott'ring maid; High leapt the plank; adown Buxoma fell: I spy'd—But faithful sweethearts never tell, 110
LOBBIN CLOUT.This riddle, Cuddy, if thou can'st, explain, This wily riddle puzzles ev'ry swain. [1]What flower is that which bears the virgin's name, The richest metal joined with the same?
CUDDY.Answer, thou carl, and judge this riddle right,I'll frankly own thee for a cunning wight. 116[2]What flow'r is that which royal honour craves,[3]Adjoin the virgin, and 'tis strown on graves.
CLODDIPOLE.Forbear, contending louts, give o'er your strains, An oaken staff each merits for his pains.[4] 120 But see the sun-beams bright to labour warn,And gild the thatch of goodman Hodges' barn. Your herds for want of water stand a-dry, They're weary of your song's ——— and so am I.

  1. Marygold.
  2. Rosemary.
  3. Line 117. Dic quibus in terris inscripti nomina regum
    Nascantur flores.
  4. Line 120. Et vitula tu dignus & hic.Virg.