There saw I ladies all a-row Before their Queen in seemly show. No more I'll sing Buxoma brown,Like goldfinch in her Sunday gown; Nor Clumsilis, nor Marian bright,Nor damsel that Hobnelia hight.But Lansdown fresh as flow'r of May,And Berkely lady blithe and gay,And Anglesey whose speech exceeds The voice of pipe, or oaten reeds; And blooming Hyde, with eyes so rare, And Montague beyond compare.Such ladies fair wou'd I depaintIn roundelay or sonnet quaint.
There many a worthy wight I've seenIn ribbon blue and ribbon green.As Oxford, who a wand doth bear,Like Moses, in our bibles fair;Who for our traffick forms designs,And gives to Britain, Indian mines.Now, shepherds, clip your fleecy care, Ye maids, your spinning-wheels prepare, Ye weavers, all your shuttles throw, And bid broad cloths and serges grow, For trading free shall thrive again,Nor leafings leud affright the swain.
There saw I St. John, sweet of mein, Full stedfast both to Church and Queen;With whose fair name I'll deck my strain.St. John, right courteous to the swain.
For thus he told me on a day,Trim are thy sonnets, gentle Gay, And certes, mirth it were to see Thy joyous madrigals twice three,