Page:The Sick-A-Bed Lady.djvu/227

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She shook her head. "No," she protested, "I wanted to come here. What I've got to talk about is very awkward, and if things get too awkward why, an embarrassed guest has so much better chance to escape than an embarrassed host." She struggled desperately to smile, but her lips twittered instead into a frightened quiver. With narrowing eyes the young man drew out his big leather chair for her. Then he perched himself on the corner of his desk and waited for her to speak.

"Ruthy dear," he smiled,"what's the trouble? Come, tell your old chum all about it."

The girl scrunched her eyes up tight, like a per son who starts to jump and does n't care where he lands. Twice her lips opened and shut without a sound. Then suddenly she braced herself with an intense effort.

"Drew," she blurted out, "do you remember- three years ago you asked me to marry you?"

"Do I remember it ?" gasped Drew. The edgy sharpness of his tone made the girl open her eyes and stare at him. "Yes" he acknowledged, "I remember it."

The girl began to smooth her white skirts with excessive precision across her knees."What made you ask me?" she whispered.

"What made me ask you?" cried the man.