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Exasperation of the English People against their Rulers.—Stern Resolve to Oppose the Enemy.—Great Suffering amongst the Poor.—Fabulous Price of Meat and Bread.—More Riots and Destruction of Property | 38 | |
The Composition of the Armies of the Northern Invaders.—Loyalty and Gallantry of the Highlanders.—Arrival of more French Troops.—Failure of the Attempt to Defeat their Landing.—The French attacked by Townspeople.—Extraordinary Scenes.—Fort George taken.—The French move Southward.—Attack on Stirling Castle.—Gallant Defence.—Defeat of the English, who fall back on Edinburgh | 41 | |
Concentration of Troops in Edinburgh.—Panic amongst the Citizens.—Tremendous Battle on the Union Canal.—Conduct of the Zouaves.—The English forced to Retreat.—Determined Defence and Blowing up of the Castle.—The Burning of Edinburgh.—Ghastly Scenes.—Edinburgh a Second Moscow | 47 | |
Great Suffering of the French Army.—Bitter Weather.—Another French Force lands at Carlisle.—More Fighting.—Splendid Charge of the English, who, however, are outnumbered.—Extraordinary Stratagem at Solway Frith.—Carlisle garrisoned by French.—Brilliant Defence of Derby.—The French amazed by the Stubbornness of the People.—Blazing Petroleum Carts.—Fearful Scenes | 51 | |
The March of the French on London.—Preparations by the English for the Defence of their Capital.—Sydenham seized by the French, and turned into a Fort.—Battle at Dulwich.—Arrival of the Northern Army, who Encamp at Hendon and Hampstead.—Narrowing up of the Investing Lines.—Great Destruction of Property in London.—Appalling Suffering amongst the People.—Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament destroyed.—The Tower bombarded | 56 | |
Tremendous Battle in Hyde Park.—A French Army driven into the Serpentine during a Fog.—Stubbornness of the English Troops.—The Scene after the Battle.—Wreck and Ruin everywhere.—Heartrending Sufferings | 63 | |
The Capitulation of London.—Enormous War Indemnity.—Loss of India, the Cape, Cyprus, and Gibraltar.—French Protectorate declared in Egypt.—Ireland's Fate.—England's Hopes | 67 |