Page:The Siege of Valencia.pdf/172

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Their glossy leaves. A fresher gale doth spring
From the transparent waters, dashing round
Their silvery spray, with a sweet voice of coolness,
O'er the pale glistening marble. 'Twill call up
Faint bloom, if but a moment's, to your cheek.
Rest here, ere you go forth, and I will sing
The melody you love.

THERESA sings.

Why is the Spanish maiden's grave
    So far from her own bright land?
The sunny flowers that o'er it wave
    Were sown by no kindred hand.

'Tis not the orange-bough that sends
    Its breath on the sultry air,
'Tis not the myrtle-stem that bends
    To the breeze of evening there!

But the Rose of Sharon's eastern bloom
    By the silent dwelling fades,
And none but strangers pass the tomb
    Which the Palm of Judah shades.