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- Rita's heioes and heroines are very human." — Lady^s Pictorial,
1. Dame Durden.
"Dame Durden is a charming conception." — Spectator,
2. My Lady Coquette.
- 'It would be well, indeed, if fiction generally could be kept up to
this level." — Academy,
3. Vivienne.
" Intensely dramatic, abounding in incident and sensation." — Daily Telegraph*
4. Like Dian's Kiss.
" A pretty story, full of plot, pathos, and character," — Standard,
5. Countess Daphne.
"Written with considerable skill." — Athemmni,
" All lovers of the divine art of music should read it, as it contains words on art matters which must fire their zeal and foster noble feelings. The story is full of interest." — Musical Review,
6. Fragoletta.
" A fascinating story, full of interest throughout." — Saturday Review*
7. A Sinless Secret.
- Full of pathetic episodes and charming love passages. " — The World