Page:The Sikh Religion, its gurus, sacred writings and authors Vol 2.djvu/35

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nation Ode (Tikke di War). The pauris or stanzas which relate to Guru Nanak and Guru Angad are as follow :—


How can the words of him who uttereth the Name of the Omnipotent Creator be weighed?[1]
Grant us true merits that the gift of supreme salvation may be ours, and that our sisters and brothers may share it.[2]
Nanak established his empire by laying a strong foundation of the fortress of truth.[3]
He placed the crown over Lahina's head, and Lahina repeating God's praises quaffed nectar.
The true Guru put into Guru Angad's heart the powerful sword of the Almighty.
The Guru and his disciple Lahina have made the straight road—hail to Nanak!
The King during his lifetime gave the apostolic mark to Guru Angad.


Guru Nanak proclaimed the accession of Lahina as the reward of service.
He had the same light, the same ways; the king merely changed his own body.[4]
The divine umbrella waved over him; he obtained possession of the throne in the place of Guru Nanak.
Lahina did what Guru Nanak ordered him, and in doing so licked the insipid stone[5] of Jogism.
The kitchen of the Guru's word was opened; in his

earnings there was no deficiency.
  1. Also translated—He whose name is the Omnipotent Creator doeth everything; how can His words be weighed?
  2. Also translated—Grant us virtues, truth, &c., as our sisters and brothers.
  3. Also translated—Nanak established the true empire and made firm the foundation of his fortress.
  4. That is, assumed another form.
  5. So called because man must suffer worldly discomfort while striving to obtain union with God.