Page:The Sikh Religion, its gurus, sacred writings and authors Vol 2.djvu/82

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annoyance of the Guru and his Sikhs, their attack and slaughter of the Sanyasis, and finally their endeavour to rob the Emperor of his treasure. The Emperor ordered that they should be imprisoned, their houses razed to the ground, and all their property confiscated. ‘Such ,’ said the Guru, ‘shall ever be the condition of those who bear enmity to men who desire to live at peace.’

Chapter III

On one occasion when the Guru visited an out-lying village and preached, the headman said his words ought to be recorded, and he sent for pen and ink for the purpose. The following was the Guru's expostulation :—

Why send for pen and ink? Write my words in thy heart.
If thou ever abide in the love of God, thine affection shall never be sundered from Him.
Pens and ink-bottles shall perish what they write shall go with them—
Nanak, but the love of the True One which He bestoweth from the beginning shall not perish.

The things which are seen shall not depart with one; see if there be any contrivance by which they may go with you.
The true Guru implanteth the True One in your hearts; continue to love Him.
Nanak, the Giver of the Word is true, and He is obtained by good acts.

The Guru continued his instructions :— ‘The Guru will assist him who hath endurance; God is patient and patiently rewardeth. If any one ill-treat you, bear it. If you bear it three times, God Himself will fight for you the fourth time, and extirpate your enemies.’

He then quoted the twenty-first pauri of the Asa ki War.

The Guru, having obtained respite from his