Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/134

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be very lucky if she does not get a big belly."

"Have you had many adventures of that kind?" I asked.

"Yes; plenty of them. I can tell you a lot of amusing adventures; but now, Eveline, Selina and I want a bit of fun with you, all alone by ourselves. It will be real love; not the mercenary, paid love we give our customers. I have got quite fond of you, and Selina won't be jealous. She will assist to make me happy; won't you, my darling?"

He rose from the breakfast-table, and opening the piano, ran his fingers over the keys; then motioning me to come to him, gave me a luscious kiss. "You darling Eveline, I'm sure your prick stands," he said, groping under my dress and finding it was as he said.