Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/140

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Never shall I forget the excess of lubricity of this triune fuck; we seemed ail so excited; we fairly spent again and again, till nature was so exhausted that we lay in a confused heap on the bed, as our pricks soaked in each other's well-lubricated bumholes.

At last we thought we had had enough for one day and a night, so after taking a most loving farewell and promising to visit them often, I had a cab called and drove to my lodgings, where I can assure you I stopped two days to thoroughly rest and recruit my strength before venturing upon any further use of either bottom or prick.

Soon after this introduction to Boulton and Park, I had a funny adventure in the Temple. A note came from a barrister—in fact, a leading Q.C.—to