Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/163

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round facing me as I still lay on my back, and so gradually bring his bottom down on my prick till I got it all in, and had him ride me a delicious St. George, as we pissed and tipped each other the velvet with our tongues, till we both spent again—I in his arse and he on my belly, his seed shooting along all over my breast.

This rather exhausted us for a time, but we lay in each other's arms, my prick still soaking and throbbing within the tight folds of his anus, and quite oblivious to all that was passing around us, when suddenly — whish I whish! whack! whack! came a birch on poor lion's bum, and he would have fairly unshipped my affair from its delicious berth, had I not held him like a vice in my arms.

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