'Is that all for what I have let you do?'
"'Why, you don't even thank me for being liberal!' he remarked rather angrily.
"'Nothing to thank you for; I could wipe my arse on that! I mean to have a cool hundred; as I know it's nothing to you, who can swindle more than that any day in the City. Shrill I call at your Cornhill office for it on Monday, or will you give me an I.O.U.?'
"'You bugger! You shan't have a damn'd penny more!' he growled out, putting on his hat. 'I'm going!'
"'Not till you square me, Mr. Simeon Moses!' I said, speaking as loudly as possible. 'You know you have been acting indecently towards me, and showing me a volume of the "Romance of Lust!"