Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/190

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such an effect that his fine little cock, quite six inches long, was as stiff as a ramrod, and evidently caused him considerable embarrassment.

"'Come to me, Joe. You look all right; but I must feel you all over, to see if you have any blemishes. How's this?' I exclaimed, touching his prick with my hand. 'Is it always sticking up like that? Put your hand into my trousers. You won't find me so. It's awfully rude, sir!'

"He was afraid of displeasing me, or I should never have got him to unbutton my trousers and put his hand on my prick; but he did, and pulled it out to view, as I ordered him to do. It was limp, but I knew his touch would have the magic effect very soon.

"'There, sir,' I said, 'why are you