Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/202

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catch it smartly, but the guerdon shall be equal to the pain. Are you agreable? If so, go home and dress; then be here about 10 p.m. You will be shown up at once. Take the name of Miss Eveline Birch if you like."

He gave me a fifty-pound note, and said he hoped I would be punctual to the time named, which I assured him I would be.

I had enjoyed the thrilling effects of the rod too well when administered by Boulton at his apartments, so I now readily agreed to Mr. Carton's proposal, who, when I returned at the appointed time, I found with two beautiful young ladies.

"Allow me to introduce you, Miss Birch," he said, placing a chair for me, "to my two sisters, Lady Emma and