Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/39

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got me to promise and try, as I should be sure to find it so nice.

He turned his bum to me, and wetting both his hole and the tip of my affair with spittle, he himself directed my cock to the place, and pushed out his arse towards me.

I did my best by shoving, and somehow it seemed to come quite natural, for I soon got in, and found my prick for the first time in a deliciously moist, warm, and tight sheath.

"Push in and out, in and out," he whispered, suiting the action of his rump to his instructions.

I liked it immensely, and clung with my arms round his buttocks, working with all my will, till at last a sudden thrill seemed to come upon me with a kind of shooting sensation in my cock.