the furniture around him, should a stray poker chance to meet his hand. All these peculiarities of his character were not, however, known to Cradell; and when our friend saw him enter the drawing-room with his wife on his arm, he was astonished.
"Mr. Cradell, your hand," said Lupex, who had advanced as far as the second glass of brandy-and- water, but had not been allowed to go beyond it. "There has been a misunderstanding between us; let it be forgotten."
"Mr. Cradell, if I know him," said the lady, "is too much the gentleman to bear any anger when a gentleman has offered him his hand."
"Oh, I'm sure," said Cradell, "I'm quite
indeed, I'm delighted to find there's nothing wrong after all." And then he shook hands with both of them; whereupon Miss Spruce got up, curtseyed low, and also shook hands with the husband and wife."You're not a married man, Mr. Cradell," said Lupex, "and, therefore, you cannot understand the workings of a husband's heart. There have been moments when my regard for that woman has been too much for me."
"Now, Lupex, don't," said she, playfully tapping him with an old parasol which she still held.
"And I do not hesitate to say that my regard for her was too much for me on that night when I sent for you to the dining-room."
"I'm glad it's all put right now," said Cradell.
"Very glad, indeed," said Miss Spruce.
"And, therefore, we need not say any more about it," said Mrs. Lupex.
"One word," said Lupex, waving his hand. "Mr. Cradell, I greatly rejoice that you did not obey my summons on that night. Had you done so,—I confess it now,—had you done so, blood would have been the consequence. I was mistaken. I acknowledge my mistake;—but blood would have been the consequence."
"Dear, dear, dear," said Miss Spruce.
"Miss Spruce," continued Lupex, "there are moments when the heart becomes too strong for a man."
"I dare say," said Miss Spruce.
"Now, Lupex, that will do," said his wife.
"Yes; that will do. But I think it right to tell Mr. Cradell that I am glad he did not come to me. Your friend, Mr. Cradell, did me the honour of calling on me at the theatre yesterday, at half-past