Page:The Social War.djvu/63

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headed monster that would stay the stream of a God-ordained piety.

I ask you to lead natural physiological lives, returning to nature, truth and sound sense, and unless you fight for principle and justice, you cannot expect salvation.

"I live to hail that season,
        By gifted men foretold,
When men shall live by reason,
        And not alone by gold!
When man to man united,
And every wrong thing righted;
The whole world shall be lighted,
        As Eden was of old!"

At this moment the meeting was interrupted by dirk knives being thrown from the galleries at Victor Juno, when a terrible riot arose.



THE house of General Washington Armington was besieged by visitors from the sainthood; and although the faithful Pat O'Conner and Judy McCrea were not suspected of either knowing anything of the troubles that were breeding, or of being participants in the diabolical work of overthrowing the sacred temple of the elect; yet, truly, they were in secret conclave with Miss Lucinda Armington, doing bold acts, whilst the sincere and bloody conspirators were trying to inveigle the general into a plot to discard Victor Juno.

Deacon Rob Stew said: "General, are you not afraid that your beautiful daughter will get a bad name by associating with Victor Juno, because, my dear brother, you must know that an immense odium is attached to that man?"