Page:The Solar System - Six Lectures - Lowell.djvu/69

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  Mars 51

The number of molecules traveling at speed u is given by the equation,—

just as the probability of an error is given by the equation,


G = mean value of speed in metres per second.
G'= mean value of speed in miles per second.

Hydrogen . . . . . 1838 1.14
Water vapor . . . . . 614 0.38
Nitrogen . . . . . 492 0.31
Atmospheric air . . . . 485 0.30
Oxygen . . . . . . 461 0.29
Carbon dioxide . . . . 392 0.24
Cyanogen . . . . . 361 0.22

These speeds are got from the consideration that the energy, from which follows the temperature, is the same in the two gases; and, therefore, that

and, therefore, the speed of the molecule is inversely as the square root of the atomic weight.

Air on Mars.

So far theory. Now it is not a little interesting that observation supports this. That air still exists on Mars, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbonic acid,