Page:The Sole Exclusive Divinity of Jesus Christ Proved.pdf/11

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potence, omniscience, and omnipresence are Divine Attributes, and can belong only to the One Eternal God?

But I trust that what has been already said will be sufficient to remove every doubt, and to convince you of a certainty, that Jesus Christ, as being the Saviour, must, of necessity, be the Only Eternal and Almighty God.

I cannot, however, conclude this discourse, without adverting to an objection to the doctrine contained in it, urged by those who are unwilling to admit the Supreme Divinity of Jesus Christ, and who, therefore, contend, that though he was called a Saviour, and was a Saviour, yet he was only a delegated or instrumental Saviour, whilst the Eternal Father, or Jehovah, was the delegating and principal Saviour: and this idea, they further urge, is strongly supported by what Jesus Christ testifies, in the days of his flesh, concerning himself, where he says, that He was sent of his Father, that He came to do the will of his Father, and that His Father is greater than him; and also when He prays to his Father. But surely all such objectors forget, that when Jesus Christ thus speaks of his inferiority to his Father, he speaks respecting his human nature, whilst it was in its progress towards a complete union with his Divine Nature, that is to say, with his Indwelling Father; but when this union was completed, so that the human nature became receptive, as St. Paul expresseth it, of All the fullness of the Godhead bodily, (see Coloss. ii. 9.) then no idea of inferiority or separation is any longer suggested, but on the contrary, it is urged by that Incarnate