Page:The Sole Exclusive Divinity of Jesus Christ Proved.pdf/6

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the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, Isaiah ix. 6. And also what he testifieth concerning himself, that He and the Father are one, John x. 30. And that Whosoever seeth Him seeth the Father, John xii. 45, chap. xiv. 9. with innumerable other declarations of a like convincing import: but at present I shall confine myself to the testimony contained in the ever memorable words of the angel in my text, “Unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour.”

But methinks I hear you ask, What proof can these words contain of Christ’s Divinity? We have read them, and heard them read, over and over, and yet should never have conceived that any demonstration of such a sort was involved in them.

I would observe in reply, that what you say may possibly be true; and you may also have read and heard many other words in your Bibles, and yet have overlooked much of their divine instruction; but this only proves, that it is possible to read and hear the Sacred Scriptures, and yet not at all times discover the hidden wisdom, which they contain.

For consider; that Holy Person who was as on this day born of the Virgin Mary, is here called by the angel, a Saviour. But let me ask, can any one be a Saviour who is not God? Reflect, I entreat you, with yourselves, on this interesting question, which, perhaps, you have never heretofore attended to as you ought. Is not, I repeat it, the name of Saviour, as here manifestly applied to Jesus Christ, a full and convincing proof as