Page:The Song of Roland.djvu/123

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For my household, who have been slain for me.
God grant me this, the Son of Saint Mary,
Ere I am come to th’ master-pass of Size,
From my body my soul at length go free!2940
Among their souls let mine in glory be,
And let my flesh upon their flesh be heaped.”
Still his white beard he tears, and his eyes weep.
Duke Naimès says: “His wrath is great indeed.



“Sire, Emperour,” Gefrei d’Anjou implored,2945
“Let not your grief to such excess be wrought;
Bid that our men through all this field be sought,
Whom those of Spain have in the battle caught;
In a charnel command that they be borne.”
Answered the King: “Sound then upon your horn.”2950



Gefreid d’Anjou upon his trumpet sounds;
As Charlès bade them, all the Franks dismount.
All of their friends, whose bodies they have found
To a charnel speedily they bring down.
Bishops there are, and abbots there enow,2955
Canons and monks, vicars with shaven crowns;
Absolution in God’s name they’ve pronounced;
Incense and myrrh with precious gums they’ve ground,
And lustily they’ve swung the censers round;
With honour great they’ve laid them in the ground.2960
They’ve left them there; what else might they do now?



That Emperour sets Rollant on one side
And Oliver, and the Archbishop Turpine;
Their bodies bids open before his eyes
And all their hearts in silken veils to wind,2965
And set them in coffers of marble white;