Page:The Song of Roland.djvu/138

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That Emperour calls on his Franks and speaks:3405
“I love you, lords, in whom I well believe;
So many great battles you’ve fought for me,
Kings overthrown, and kingdoms have redeemed!
Guerdon I owe, I know it well indeed;
My lands, my wealth, my body are yours to keep.3410
Vengeance for sons, for heirs, for brothers wreak
Who in Rencesvals were slaughtered yester-eve!
Mine is the right, ye know, gainst pagan breeds.”
Answer the Franks: “Sire, ’tis the truth you speak.”
Twenty thousand beside him Charlès leads,3415
Who with one voice have sworn him fealty;
In straits of death they never will him leave.
There is not one thenceforth employs his spear,
But with their swords they strike in company.
The battle is straitened marvellously.3420



Across that field the bold Malprimès canters;
Who of the Franks hath wrought there much great damage.
Naimès the Duke right haughtily regards him,
And goes to strike him, like a man of valour,
And of his shield breaks all the upper margin,3425
Tears both the sides of his embroidered ha’berk,
Through the carcass thrusts all his yellow banner;
So dead among sev’n hundred else he casts him.


King Canabeus, brother of the admiral,
Has pricked his horse with spurs in either flank;3430
He’s drawn his sword, whose hilt is of crystal,
And strikes Naimun on ’s helmet principal;
Away from it he’s broken off one half,
Five of the links his brand of steel hath knapped;
No pennyworth the hood is after that;3435
Right to the flesh he slices through the cap;