Wimple, 90 | Wrong, 51, 96 |
Winchester, 46, 47, 54, 63, 217, 254, 320, 323 | Wroth, 129 |
Wrought, 71, 83, 107 | |
Windlass, 213 | Wyat, 298 |
Windmill, 177 | Wyatt, 343 |
Window, 123, 124, 134 | Wynstre (left), 82 |
Wing, 98 | |
Wink, a, 194 | Y, replaces g, 26, 43, 57, 70, 80, 82, 85, 95, 117, 129, 179, 261, 277 |
Winnow, 266 | |
Wis, the Suffix, 15 | |
Wit, 3, 10 | —, used as a Prefix, 91 |
With, its senses, 30, 82, 107, 137, 163, 256 | —, written for i, 195, 285 |
—, written for th, 259 | |
— the Prefix, 15, 170 | Yare, 48 |
Withal, 100 | Yarrow, the, 41 |
Witham, the, 42 | Yawn, 261 |
Withdraw, 121 | Ye, 23; first used for thou, 160, 185 |
Withhold, 121 | |
Without, 53, 119 | Yea, 28, 266, 294 |
Wobble, 115 | Year, 11, 87 |
Woebegone, 141 | Yellow, 12, 179 |
Woe me, 85, 302 | Yes, 28, 104 |
Woe worth the day, 302 | Yield, 127 |
Wohung of our Lord, 124 | Yoke, 3, 9, 44 |
Wolf, 5, 14 | Yon, 192 |
Wolsey, 289, 305 | Yonder, 167 |
Woman, 53, 116 | Yonge, Miss, 343 |
Wont (solere), 194, 337 | York, the Duke of, 283, 285 |
Wood, 91 | York, change of its name, 41; see also 42, 44, 47, 55, 57, 75, 97, 120, 124, 131, 136, 138, 145-153, 164, 180, 182, 185, 203, 259, 260, 263, 266, 272, 281, 283, 289, 296 |
Worcester, 39, 84, 111, 112, 115, 218, 255, 290 | |
Work a day, 103 | |
Workman, 50 | |
World, 103 | |
Worse, 98 | You, 23, 49; instead of thou, 167 |
Worship, 103, 294 | |
Worth, the Verb, 4, 250 | Young, 3, 91, 127; young one, 266 |
Wot, 4, 10 | |
Would, 128 | Your, 23, 43, 58, 87 |
Would God, 194, 302 | Yours, 100 |
Wound, 128, 138, 147 | Yourselves, 290 |
Wretched, wretchedness, 150, 185 | Youth, 40, 88 |
Yowl, 169 | |
Wright, Mr., 184, 233, 234 | Yule, 98, 186, 244 |