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By J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S. With Coloured Plate and numerous illustrations. Second Edition. Crown 8vo.

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This forms volume one of “Nature Series,” a Series of Popular Scientific Works now in course of publication, consisting of popular and instructive works, on particular scientific subjects — Scientific Discovery, Applications, History, Biography — by some of the most eminent scientific men of the day. They will be so written as to be interesting and intelli­gible even to non-scientific readers. Mr. Lockyer's work in Spectrum Analysis is widely known. In the present short treatise will be found an exposition of the principles on which Spectrum Analysis rests, a description of the various kinds of Spectroscopes, and an account of what has already been done with the instrument, as well as of what may yet be done both in science and in the industrial arts.

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In six lectures he has given the history of the discovery and set forth the facts relating to the analysis of light in such a way that any reader of ordinary intelligence and information will be able to understand what ‘Spectrum Analysis’ is, and what are its claims to rank among the mast signal triumphs of science of which even this century can boast.” — Non­conformist. “The illustrations — no unimportant part of a book on such a subject — are marvels of wood-printing, and reflect the clearness which is the distinguishing merit of Mr. Roscoe's explanations.”Saturday Review. “The lectures themselves furnish a most ad­mirable elementary treatise on the subject, whilst by the insertion in appendices to each lecture of extracts from the most important published memoirs, the author has rendered it equally valuable as a text-book for advanced students.” — Westminster Review.


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