many other citizens, came on board and there was an informal, social reception, until the captain gave notice that he was compelled to start. Some distance below Memphis, a fine steamer with flags, music and a large company of ladies and gentlemen, met the disabled Maria, and cheered and saluted her with vast enthusiasm. The two boats were lashed side by side, so that there was easy and constant communication between them. It was November, but the weather was fine and the finish of the long passage was enchanting. The editor was delightfully entertained by Dr. Shanks and family, was made a vice-president of the Convention, and had the opportunity of addressing it. By agreement with Harry Bluff, he introduced the Warehousing System and obtained a highly favorable report from a majority of the Committee to whom it was referred; but owing to a division in the Committee, a vote by the Convention was not pressed. The system was afterwards adopted by Congress and is still in operation. The Messenger had the honor of inaugurating it.
But the affair at Memphis most congenial with the subject in hand was the banquet by and for the members of the press,—editors, of whom some were delegates, correspondents and reporters; a bright and jolly set. They all knew and valued the Messenger and on that account its editor was