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Beauregard Mrs. C. A. Warfield 77
Beauregard's Appeal 79
Sabbath Bells. Charleston Mercury 81
March on! Caroliniana, march on Mrs. Farley 82
Carolina Mrs. Anna Peyre Dennies 84
The Tennessee Exile's Song 87
Lines on the Death of Col. B. F. Terry R. Berrick 89
The Stranger's Death 91
Song of the Texas Rangers 93
The Flag of the Lone Star Tonella 93
There's Life in the Old Land Yet. Jas. R. Randall 97
All quiet along the Potomae to-night. 99
Fast Day, Nov., 1861 Miss R. Powell 101
The War-Christian's Thank giving. S. T. Tallis 103
Christmas Carol, for 1862.... Mrs. M. J. Preston 105
A Picture Savannah Morning News 109
A Southern Scene- 1862 111
Song of the Freedman A. R. Watson 114
The Unreturning. 117
Zollieofler H. L. Flash 119
The Burial of Capt. O. Jennings Wisc. Accomac 120
Fort Donelson-The Siege, Feb., 1862 Mrs. C. A. Warfield 121
The Battle of Hampton Roads Teneila 123
The Turtle 123
Albert Sidney Johnston Fleming James 127
Lines written during these Gloomy Times J. H. Hewitt 131
Away with the Dastards who whine of Defeat Paul II. Payne 138
Steady and Really 137
Prayer 139
A Sunday Reverie Jas. R. Randall 141
The Soldier's Farewell to his Wife Wm. K Campbell 144
The Soldier's Grave Pearl 146
The Soldier's Last Combat Mrs. Elian E. Harper 117
Home Again Jef Thompson 149
My Father Jerry R. Jackson 150
My Wife and Child. Ibid. 152
A Mother's Prayer 154
The Mother to her Son in the Trepelies at Petersburg.. W. D. Porter 156
The Ladies of Richmond Charleston Courier 158
Rode's Brigade Charge at Seven Pines W. P. C. 161
Lines 163