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Page:The Southern poems of the war (IA southernpoems00masorich).pdf/16

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Cannon Song 252
On a Raid Ikey Ingle 253
Coming at Last George H. Miles 250
Beyond the Potomac Paul H. Hayne 257
The Southern Oath Rosa Vertner Jefrey 260
The Brave at Home 262
Little Footsteps Mary J. Upshur 203
"Minding the Gap" Mollie L. Moore 264
Why the Robin's Breast was Red. Jas. R. Randall 268
Lines on the Death of Annie Carter Lee Tenella 269
At the Last 271
The Long Ago Philo Henderson 272
Christmas-1863 Henry Timrod 274
Charleston Ibid 277
By the Camp Fire Viola 279
John Pelham Jas. R. Randall 282
A Pledge to Lee Mrs. C. A. Warfield 284
Charade 286
Stonewall Jackson's Way. 287
Stonewall's Sable Seers... Mrs. C. A. Warfield 289
Riding a Raid 292
The Lone Sentry. Jas. R. Randall 293
On the Death of Lieut. Gen. Jackson Mrs. C. A. Warfield 205
Lines on the Death of Stonerall Jackson 298
The Funeral Dirge of Stonewall Jackson Rosa Vertner Jefrey 301
Stonewall Jackson H. L. Flash 304
Stonewall 305
Stonewall Jackson's Grave Mrs. H. J. Preston 307
"Over the River". J. Doffore 311
"Let us cross over the River aed rest under the shade of the Trees" James 313
The "Slonewall" Cemetery Mrs. M. B. Clark 314
A Voice from the South Rosa Vertner Jeffrey 316
The Autumn Rain Susan Archer Talley 318
Nil Desperandum-To the Southern Soldier Ikey Ingle 319
Despondency Tenelire 320
Lilies of the Valley Rosa Vertner Jeffrey 329
The Duy Picket; or, Charley's Guard Lady of Kentucky 324
"True to the Last!” Col. W. S. Hawkins 325
A Prison Scene Ibid. 327
Lines on Captain Beall Ibid. 329