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Page:The Southern poems of the war (IA southernpoems00masorich).pdf/18

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Jefferson Davis Southern Woman 444
An Appeal for Jefferson Davis. A Lady of Virginia 446
Jefferson Davis Mollie E. Moore 448
Regulus Mrs. M. J. Preston 421
The Battle of Buena Vista Mississippian 423
The Confederate Note Maj. S. A. Jonas 425
Give them Bread! G. L. R. 426
A Wind from the South C. C. 428
To the Ladies of Baltimore Mrs. Dellie C. Locke 430
The Blessed Hand S. T. Wallis 433
The Blessed Heart Mrs. M. M. 435
T. Miss —, of Va Stella 437
The Waste of War 439
Our Dead Col. A. M. Hobby 440
The Confederate Dead Latienne 443
Song 445
Lines read at Hollywood Cemetery, May 10, 1868 446
Lines. Florence Anderson 447
Our Cherished Dead 450
April 26th Dr. Ford 451
Home-after the War M. E. H. 451
The Vanquished Patriot's Prayer 453
Heaven 455