- (e) Ratification of alterations of boundaries between Union Republics;
- (f) Ratification of the formation of new Territories and Regions and also of new Autonomous Republics within the Union Republics;
- (g) Organisation of the defence of the U.S.S.R. and the direction of all the armed forces of the U.S.S.R.;
- (h) Foreign trade on the basis of state monopoly;
- (i) Safeguarding the security of the state;
- (j) Determining the plans of national economy of the U.S.S.R.;
- (k) Approval of the unified state budget of the U.S.S.R. as well as of the taxes and revenues which go to form the Union, Republican and local budgets;
- (l) Administration of the banks, industrial and agricultural establishments and enterprises, and trading enterprises of all-Union importance;
- (m) Administration of transport and communications;
- (n) Direction of the monetary and credit system;
- (o) Organisation of state insurance;
- (p) Contracting and granting loans;
- (q) Establishment of the basic principles of land tenure as well as of the use of mineral deposits, forests and waters;
- (r) Establishment of the basic principles in the spheres of educational and public health;
- (s) Organisation of a uniform system of national economic accounting;
- (t) Establishment of the principles of labour legislation;
- (u) Legislation governing the judicial system and judicial procedure; criminal and civil codes;
- (v) Laws governing citizenship of the Union; laws governing the rights of foreigners;
- (w) Issuance of all-Union acts of amnesty.
The sovereignty of the Union Republics is restricted only within the limits set forth in Article 14 of the Con-
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