Republic issues decisions and orders on the basis and in pursuance of the laws in operation in the U.S.S.R. and the Union Republic and of decisions and orders of the Council of People's Commissars of the U.S.S.R., and supervises their execution.
- The Council of People's Commissars of a Union Republic has the right to suspend decisions and orders of Councils of People's Commissars of Autonomous Republics and to annul decisions and orders of Executive Committees of Soviets of Toilers' Deputies of Territories, Regions and Autonomous Regions.
- The Council of People's Commissars of a Union Republic is formed by the Supreme Soviet of the Union Republic and consists of:—
- The Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union Republic.
- The Vice-Chairmen.
- The Chairman of the State Planning Commission.
- The People's Commissars of:—
- Food Industry.
- Light Industry.
- Timber Industry.
- Agriculture.
- State Grain and Livestock Farms.
- Finance.
- Internal Trade.
- Internal Affairs.
- Justice.
- Public Health.
- Education.
- Local Industry.
- Municipal Economy.
- Social Maintenance.
- The Representative of the Committee of Agricultural Stocks.
- Chief of the Board of Arts.
- The Representatives of the All-Union People's Commissariats.
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