Since the Constitution was adopted on December 5th, 1936, the following changes have occurred:—
The Kazakh and Kirghis Autonomous S.S.R.'s have been transformed into Union S.S.R.'s.
The Karelian Autonomous S.S.R. has been transformed into the Karelian-Finnish Union S.S.R., incorporating the territory ceded by Finland to the U.S.S.R. by the Treaty of March 12th, 1940.
The Moldavian Autonomous S.S.R. has been transformed into the Moldavian Union S.S.R., incorporating the territory of Bessarabia, except for the Khotin, Akkerman and Izmail districts.
The Lithuanian, Latvian and Esthonian Soviet Socialist Republics have been admitted into the U.S.S.R.
The Khotin, Akkerman and Izmail districts of Bessarabia, together with Northern Bukovina, have been incorporated in the Ukrainian S.S.R.
Sventsiany and certain other districts of the Byelorussian S.S.R. have been transferred to the Lithuanian S.S.R.
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