- Public enterprises of collective farms and co-operative organisations, with their livestock and implements, products raised and manufactured by the collective farms and co-operative organisations, as well as their public structures, constitute the public, socialist property of the collective farms and co-operative organisations.
Every collective farm household, in addition to its basic income from the public collective farm enterprise, has in personal use a plot of land attached to the house and, in personal ownership, an auxiliary establishment on the plot, the house, produce, animals and poultry, and minor agricultural implements—in accordance with the statutes of the agricultural artel.
- The land occupied by collective farms is secured to them for their free use for an unlimited time, that is, for ever.
- Alongside the socialist system of economy, which is the predominant form of economy in the U.S.S.R., the law permits small private economy of individual peasants and handicrafts-men based on their personal labour and precluding the exploitation of the labour of others.
- The right of citizens to personal property in their income from work and in their savings, in their dwelling houses and auxiliary household economy, their domestic furniture and utensils and objects of personal use and comfort, as well as the right of inheritance of personal property of citizens, are protected by law.
The economic life of the U.S.S.R. is determined and directed by the state plan of national economy for the purpose of increasing the public wealth, of steadily raising the material and cultural level of the toilers, and of strengthening the independence of the U.S.S.R. and its power of defence.
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